Never ignore these 7 critical signs of esophageal cancer

Never ignore these 7 critical signs of esophageal cancer

Esophageal cancer is a condition that develops due to the rapid and uncontrolled mutation of healthy cells in the esophagus. This mutation is triggered when the body mistakenly attacks its cells and tissue, impacting vital functions in the affected area. Cancer has no cure, and it is only possible to manage the spread and discomfort to a certain extent. Knowing these alarming signs of esophageal cancer and associated discomforts can help doctors decide the prompt course of action.

Trouble with swallowing
This cancer develops and affects the esophagus, so one will experience problems with swallowing. The healthy cells begin to mutate rapidly as cancer spreads and causes the passage to get constricted. Even the opening becomes too narrow, making it difficult to swallow food and beverages. Even after chewing properly, people might complain of pain while swallowing and morsels getting stuck midway due to constriction. And this symptom only becomes worse as the cancer progresses into the advanced stages.

Developing a chronic cough
The mutation of healthy cells in the esophagus also results in an excess buildup of mucus. This mucus formation is mainly triggered as an immune response by the body to keep the cells lubricated. Excess mucus further triggers a cough that persists and worsens with the spread of esophageal cancer. If cancer has affected the space where the esophagus (food pipe) and trachea (windpipe) connect, there is the added risk of developing a tracheoesophageal fistula. A fistula is an obstruction that blocks the airway and ultimately triggers a chronic cough. If the cancer further spreads to the lungs, it can also cause pneumonia to develop with varying levels of intensity.

Discomforts in the chest
Heartburn and chest pain are two of the most common and noticeable discomforts that indicate a physical problem. When the cancer or tumor begins to grow in the space behind the breastbone region, people will also experience chest pain that worsens with the progression. And since foods and beverages pass through this region, one will also experience a burning sensation similar to heartburn or acid reflux. In advanced stages of esophageal cancer, breathlessness is another possible symptom. This happens because of airway constriction and expanding cancer that puts pressure on the chest, restricting breathing.

Hoarseness of the voice
if cancer or tumor spreads and presses against the vocal cords behind the voice box, it will trigger voice changes that should not be ignored. Developing a hoarse voice with no other possible explanation or underlying condition could mean esophageal cancer in its early stages. Severe cancer also increases the risk of laryngeal nerve palsy, which develops due to the deterioration of nerves that connect the vocal cords. Pain and other discomforts of the throat in the region will only worsen as the cancer spreads.

Noticing blood in vomit or stools
Cancer destroys healthy cells and causes bleeding in the affected region as it spreads. The mutation gets aggressive with each passing stage. So, noticing blood in the vomit is also a common sign of esophageal cancer. The blood pools into the stomach from the esophagus and gets regurgitated once the affected person develops nausea and vomits. Alternatively, the excess blood can get mixed with the stools, causing a change in color that is dark red or even black. This is another sign of bleeding that should not be ignored. Loss of blood increases the risk of anemia among the affected patients as well.

Changes in appetite and metabolism
Cancer in the esophagus primarily affects a person’s ability to swallow foods and beverages. As a result, one might unknowingly decrease their intake to avoid the pain and discomfort. Reduced intake and lack of daily nutrition will only further impact a person’s body mass index and metabolism. Malnutrition further increases the risk of health complications that develop due to vitamin, mineral, and nutrient deficiencies. All these factors combined impact the metabolism and trigger rapid loss of body mass. If these changes persist, consult immediately with a physician to assess the underlying cause.

Other metastatic symptoms
Metastasis refers to the spread of cancer beyond the localized region. In this case, esophageal cancer can spread from the throat to the lungs and lymph nodes located in the respiratory organs. There is an increased risk of cancer spreading to the spinal cord and surrounding bones, causing pain and discomfort that should not be ignored. Many other alarming signs, including chest pain, breathlessness, swelling that causes pain, abdominal pain, headaches, and even seizures, can develop from complications of esophageal cancer.

At any point, if any of the aforementioned discomforts persist, it is better to go for an immediate consultation and get a full body checkup done.

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