8 ways to boost testosterone levels

8 ways to boost testosterone levels

Testosterone is a hormone produced mainly in the testicles and ovaries. These hormones play a crucial role in one’s overall health, including muscle mass, bone density, and more. But as people age, testosterone levels in the body decline, causing various health problems. While healthcare treatments exist to manage this issue, some natural remedies and certain lifestyle changes like regular exercise and following a nutritious meal plan can help reverse the process or slow it down.

Eating nutritious meals
Studies suggest that a Mediterranean meal plan can spike testosterone levels. Some of the foods one can consider including in one’s daily meals are-

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Lean protein
  • Healthy fats
  • Whole grains
  • Dairy products in moderate quantities

Besides improving testosterone levels, this meal plan also reduces the probability of heart disease.

Regular exercise
Besides its various health benefits, exercise also helps boost testosterone levels. So, start an exercise regimen to maintain healthy body composition and improve testosterone levels.

When working out, people should make time for strength training and cardio. Cardio can help burn calories. Muscle training boosts metabolism, which helps burn calories even when not exercising. Together, these workouts help rebuild some muscle mass lost due to low testosterone levels.

Fitness levels vary among individuals. So, whether one is starting a new workout plan or returning to a routine, remember that activities or workouts that suit one’s preferences and needs may not work for another person.

Go for a long run or a jog for cardio. A brisk walk will also be beneficial. But for people who are starting strength training, it may be challenging in the beginning. But don’t worry. Start with workouts where one uses one’s body mass to build strength. Since these can be done from the comforts of one’s home, it eliminates the need for a gym membership. One can also start small by doing things they like, such as dance or aerobics. Swimming is another good physical activity.

Get enough vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency is another reason for reduced testosterone levels. Hence, one must have healthy Vitamin D levels by getting adequate sunlight and taking Vitamin D3 supplements.

Avoid stress
Stress can negatively impact one’s health in various ways. Stress spikes cortisol levels, which lowers testosterone. These two hormones are inversely proportional, so when one goes up, the other drops. Stress can also cause harmful fat accumulation around the organs, which impacts testosterone levels. So, stress management plays a crucial role in regulating testosterone levels in one’s body. Some helpful ways to manage stress levels include-

  1. Indulging in stress-relieving techniques
  2. Practicing yoga
  3. Leading an active lifestyle
  4. Getting enough sleep

Include garlic and onions in the meal plan
Garlic and onion are common ingredients in most kitchens, so including them in one’s meal plan won’t be much of a hassle. These vegetables contain flavonoids, which help boost testosterone levels.

Choose glass containers over plastic containers
When storing leftovers, it is important to choose the right storing option. Some plastic containers may contain BPA, a chemical that can impair hormone production. So, avoid storing foods in plastic containers and opt for glass containers. Also, avoid snacks and drinks that come in plastic packaging.

Consume honey
Honey contains a natural mineral named boron that helps boost testosterone levels. Also, chemical compounds in this food item can lower the damage to Leydig cells, which are testicular cells that assist testosterone production. Adding honey to the meal plan can increase the production of luteinizing hormones, which prompts testosterone production. So, in various ways, honey is a natural remedy that can help boost testosterone levels.

Get quality sleep
Reports indicate that health conditions like sleep apnea and insomnia can negatively impact testosterone levels. Furthermore, these conditions cause poor sleep quality, which also affects testosterone levels. So, one must take measures to improve one’s sleep quality. Some tips that can help include-

  1. Avoid using screens at least an hour before going to bed
  2. Maintain a proper sleep schedule. Ensure one sleeps at a fixed time daily.
  3. Exercise often
  4. Stay active throughout the day
  5. Avoid clutter in the bedroom
  6. Sleep in a dark and quiet atmosphere
  7. Ensure the bedroom isn’t too warm
  8. Avoid coffee before going to bed

Incorporating these lifestyle and nutritional modifications can help address the issue of declining testosterone levels effectively. Besides this, exercising regularly and eating healthy foods can also help keep various health conditions at bay.

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