8 foods and beverages to avoid with arthritis

8 foods and beverages to avoid with arthritis

Arthritis is a group of bone-related disorders that include gout, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis (PA), and osteoarthritis. A person with arthritis is susceptible to inflammation, which triggers pain and other associated symptoms. The underlying cause is inflammation which eventually affects the tissues around the joints, leading to chronic conditions like heart diseases and diabetes and worsening the arthritis symptoms. Here are eight foods and beverages to avoid with arthritis:

The sodium content in salt is required for the body to perform innumerable functions. However, over intake of salt calls for a lot of trouble. Several researchers point out that one mostly uses way too much salt than is required. Excess salt intake is associated with greater inflammation levels which can also trigger pain and other symptoms related to arthritis. Make sure you look for foods with no added salt. Use spices or herbs to garnish food.

Omega-6 fatty acids
These polyunsaturated fatty acids, when used in excess, cause inflammation. Some common sources of omega-6 fats include sunflower oil, canola oil, nuts, and meat. Opting for olive oil would be a smarter choice as it contains primarily monounsaturated fat.

Sweetened beverages
Sweetened drinks like fruit juices, soda, and other sweetened drinks contain a high amount of sugar. It is highly advised to restrict sugar intake to 8-9 teaspoons a day, and if a comparison has to be made to a sweetened drink and its sugar levels, a 12-ounce soda contains 36 grams of sugar and is equated to more than 8 teaspoons. Trying to switch to natural flavors like fresh lemon juice to plain drinks would be a much healthier option.

Fried foods
Often, fried foods are cooked in oils that are pretty high on saturated fats and Omega -6 fatty acids index. Both are linked with an increase in symptoms related to arthritis and an increase in inflammation levels. Fried foods also tend to have excess salt, triggering arthritis symptoms. Opting for baked foods would be a healthier alternative.

Canned foods
Any canned food that is high in sugar and salt must be avoided. A fruit canned in syrup form can pose an immense threat as sugar leads to inflammation. In addition, canned foods are also high in salt as it aids in the preservation of the content of the can. Looking for low sodium and “no added sugar” foods would go a long way in protecting the person from any flare-ups.

Redefined carbohydrates
While grains contain fiber and other healthy nutrients, they are stripped away of their nutrients when processed into white flour and rice. These grains are high in carbohydrates which would only increase the sugar levels, leading to inflammation. Complex carbohydrates like whole grains, quinoa, and brown rice are any day better options.

Foods with empty calories does not mean they do not create any harm. To start with, they increase inflammation. In addition to not offering any nutritional value, food sources like ketchup, barbeque sauce, candy, desserts, ice creams, processed snacks, and baked goods can be directly linked to inflammation in the body.

Foods like wheat, rye, and barley contain a natural protein called gluten. Some research studies have pointed out the direct link between a gluten-free meal plan and a reduced inflammation rate in rheumatoid patients. In addition, people sensitive to gluten should stay away from it as the arthritis symptoms will only worsen.

If a person with arthritis opts for the treatment options mentioned below, avoiding the listed foods and beverages is imperative. For any health intervention to effectively work, it is important to bring discipline to food habits.

Tremfya is a prescription for treating psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and plaque psoriasis in adults. In the case of PsA, the person tends to have pain and stiffness in the joints. Doctors are known to recommend Tremfya as a standalone option with certain other treatment methods.

One of the unique characteristic features of Tremfya is that it is a biologics solution. Biologics are certain options made from either living cells in a lab setting or through a biological process. It is administered as a subcutaneous injection – an injection given under the skin. It can be self-administered provided the person has obtained sufficient training from their healthcare provider. In the various clinical trials done to test the effectiveness of this treatment option, it is believed it had a 20% reduction in the various symptoms associated with PsA.

Actemra (or Tocilizumab) is a biologic option used to treat adults with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which is moderate to severely active, and also for children two years above with polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis or systematic juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The treatment option blocks the IL-6 inflammatory protein and improves pain and swelling associated with this condition.

Plaquenil is used for acute and chronic rheumatoid arthritis in adults. Plaquenil comes under the DMARDs category, which stands for Disease-modifying Antirheumatic Drugs. It not only reduces but also prevents swelling and pain caused due to RA. This option is taken orally as directed by the doctor. The usual dose recommendation is anywhere between one and two times a day. More often than not, doctors start with minimal dosage and progressively increase it based on the need.

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