6 unhealthy oral habits that damage teeth

6 unhealthy oral habits that damage teeth

Taking care of teeth is critical not only for maintaining dental health but also for enhancing one’s appearance. Moreover, having well-shaped, pearly white teeth can make one’s smile more alluring. To ensure the teeth stay healthy and in good condition, one has to develop good dental habits such as brushing and flossing daily. Additionally, one has to steer clear of certain unhealthy certain unhealthy habits that can damage teeth quickly. Here are some examples of such habits:

Biting nails
Nails are made from a strong and abrasive material called keratin. Chewing on them for too long and too frequently can cause cracking of teeth and enamel erosion in the long run. Additionally, biting nails frequently can cause one’s jaw to undergo positional issues. If ignored, the habit can cause long-term issues such as jaw dysfunction and temporomandibular joint disorder.

Apart from damaging one’s jaw, the nail-biting habit can also introduce harmful bacteria into the mouth, which can cause bad breath and decaying of teeth.

Chewing on inedible objects
In many instances, people, out of habit, involuntarily chew on objects like pencils, paper, spoon ends, pens, and other objects that are not supposed to be chewed or consumed. Sharp and conical objects can cause damage to one’s teeth and gums. One should avoid chewing on inedible objects as that not only causes teeth cracking and gum injuries but also leads to bleeding in the mouth. Moreover, there is always the risk of chewing on foreign objects and inadvertently swallowing one. This may cause choking and a series of dangerous health problems and even prove fatal.

Not maintaining toothbrushes
It is important to remember that the toothbrush is the only non-edible object that is used regularly. Therefore, it is critical to maintain toothbrushes so that their usage can be prolonged. Brushes tend to collect millions of bacteria from one’s mouth over a period of time. So, if the brush is not washed and maintained regularly, one can leave themselves vulnerable to bacterial infestation in the mouth. This can result in a range of issues, such as bad breath, yellowing of teeth, oral infections, and other similar dental problems. Using unclean brushes can cause cavities just as frequently as not brushing one’s teeth daily.

For these reasons, it is essential to maintain brushes every day and replace them as soon as they become unfit for usage in terms of hygiene.

Grinding and clenching teeth
Clenching one’s mouth and grinding teeth are common habits many people indulge in when angry, nervous, or afraid, and even while napping. Certain bite or sleep disorders in people can give rise to the development of this unhealthy habit. Nevertheless, grinding one’s teeth and clenching one’s gums can be harmful to one’s oral health. This habit can cause teeth and gum injuries, jaw soreness, and a strong, persistent headache in people. To avoid these issues, it is advisable for individuals to consciously reduce the number of times they grind or clench their teeth throughout the day to zero.

Using toothpicks incorrectly
Toothpicks are quite useful for removing tiny food particles stuck in the tooth gaps in the mouths. However, despite their effectiveness, dentists and other healthcare experts generally advise to avoid using toothpicks for cleaning teeth after every meals. This is because most people tend to use toothpicks incorrectly.

Sticking a toothpick between one’s teeth or gums incorrectly and without the necessary gentleness can cause bleeding in the gums. Additionally, over time, regular use of these tools leads to crooked and unshaped teeth, and something may even cause alignment issues. Therefore, one must try to use toothpicks in the right way or completely avoid them.

Not brushing teeth regularly
This is arguably the most obvious mistake one can make to debilitate oral health. Brushing acts as a regular way to cleanse one’s entire mouth (including the tongue, the upper and lower zones, and the area where the tongue meets the throat. It also keeps the teeth free of filth and bacteria. Not following a regular brushing routine (twice a day) can cause an onset of bacteria on the teeth as well as other parts of the mouth.

Some other unhealthy oral mistakes include snacking regularly, sucking thumbs, and opening packages with teeth.

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