5 common car maintenance mistakes to steer clear of

5 common car maintenance mistakes to steer clear of

A car is a significant investment, so you must pay attention to its maintenance to ensure it runs smoothly for years. Moreover, the older a car gets, the more upkeep, care, and maintenance it requires. Otherwise, you may have to shell out more for repairs and damages. So, one must ensure they regularly get their car checked by a professional and know these common car maintenance mistakes to steer clear of.

Forgetting to check the tire pressure
Most car owners think the purpose of checking tire pressure is to avoid flat tires. While this is a reason enough, looking at the fuel economy is also essential. When the tires lack air, the car will consume far more gas than necessary. So avoid this maintenance mistake, and check whether the tires’ air pressure is optimal with a fuel gauge. The pressure should be as indicated in the owner’s manual. Another common mistake is forgetting to do tire rotation regularly. This will help the tires last longer.

Forgetting to do oil changes
In the case of a new car, there is minimal need for oil changes. So most new car owners ignore this aspect during regular car maintenance. However, even a new car requires engine oil changes every 8,000 to 10,000 miles. Changing the engine oil every 3,000 miles is recommended for older cars. Not doing so will cause damage to the engine, and you may end up paying more.

Neglecting to change or inspect the brakes
Changing the brake pads of your car can get expensive. So most people end up avoiding this. However, leaving them on longer can cause the brakes to wear down. As a result, the rotators may also get damaged. Repairing the rotators will cost more than you must pay for changing the brake pads. So don’t forget to get the brakes checked by a professional mechanic whenever there is a significant squeaking noise coming from the brakes.

Neglecting the check engine light
The common mistake most car owners commit is ignoring the check engine light. This is because the car works fine even if the light comes on. So, checking why the light is on gets delayed until a significant problem occurs out of the blue. The car will break down at the most inconvenient time. Furthermore, you may have to end up paying more to get your car running than you would have to when the check engine light came on the first time around.

Ignoring the car wash
Neglecting to do a regular car wash is a common car maintenance mistake that can be easily avoided. Make sure to schedule the clean-up of your car every week or even in a couple of weeks. This is important not only to make your car look its best but also to prevent damage to your car’s body, tires, mirrors, and interiors. This way, you will protect it from the damage caused by rain, mud, dirt, salt sprinkled on ice, and pollution.

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